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more about Winwin!


Name: Dong Si Cheng
Stage Name: Winwin
Age: 23 years old
Birthday: 10/28/1997
Astrological Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Ox

fun facts & other infos


Dong Sicheng (董思成) known by his stage name Winwin (윈윈) is a Chinese singer, dancer and rapper in WayV & NCT born in Wenzhou on October 28, 1997.

school & career

more contents


color: yellow & blue
number: 7
drink orders:
americanocaramel macchiatobrown sugar milkteaseason: fall
musician: Jay Chou

mbti: INFJ-A
blood type: B
winwin has a cute sneeze
his family owns a dog (border collie) in China named wangzai
he likes to keep his hair short in summer
he has a fear of heights
fandom: yunqi meaning luck


strawberries & spicy food
exo (he also likes lay and
sehun because they dance
well, handsome & really nice)
watching movies & tv dramas
playing games with the
other members at the dorm
when he has no schedule


Winwin trained in SM for a year

[January 5, 2016] Winwin became an sm rookie

[July 7, 2016] He officially debuted as an idol & in NCT (and in NCT 127 sub-unit)

[February 18, 2018] Winwin joined NCT U with the song “BOSS” (NCT 2018 project)

[January 17, 2019] He debuted in WayV (NCT sub-unit)

[November 23, 2020] Winwin joined NCT U with the song “90s Love” (NCT 2020 project)

Winwin is currently active in WayV

Winwin Contents!

Check this twitter thread for the links for his contents!

A thread of Winwin content!

Check WayV’s YouTube Channel this is the group where he is currently active, they post his new contents here


Check ALWAYSWITHDSC YouTube Channel for compilation / yt playlist of his contents



[2016] Day day up - Guest

[2017] University Students have arrived - Guest

[2018] Day day up - Guest

[2019] My Brilliant Master - Cast Member

[2019] Crazy Magic Show - Guest

[2021] Happy Camp - Guest

[2021] Keep Running: Season 9 - Guest

Winwin guesting on shows - YT Playlist